签到天数: 2312 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
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发表于 2013-1-12 20:51:04
First of all, I answer to this question, please correct the errors, if any.
Only after 20 h of carburizing one surface carbon content corresponding to one carbon dioxide content , 20 h of carburizing ago one surface carbon content corresponding to different carburizing time and different carbon dioxide content.
Data are plotted for low-carbon steel carburized at 925C(1700F) in an atmosphere of endothermic carrier gas enriched with propane. Under these conditions, equilibrium was reached only after 20h of carburizing .
carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere required to develop specific surface carbon levels at different carburizing times under one set of gas-carburizing conditions. Dashed lines indicate the way to determine alternative combinations of treatment time and carbon dioxide content for a single value of surface carbon content.
在一组气体渗碳条件下 不同的渗碳时间 气氛CO2含量需要制定 明确的表面含碳量。虚线